Do you have a child under the age of 18? Are you concerned about what would happen to this person if you and your spouse were to pass on? If you find yourself thinking about this, it's imperative to name a guardian in the near future. This is a big part of your estate...
Month: March 2017
Power of attorney planning
When it comes to estate planning, there is never a good time to hesitate. Instead, every detail, no matter how big or small, should be taken care of without delay. There are many strategies to consider, with many people focusing strongly on the use of a power of...
Is a revocable living trust better than a will?
As you go through the process of creating an estate plan, it's imperative to consider each and every strategy that is available to you. This is the only way to ensure that you are 100 percent comfortable with your situation. Many people have come to find that a...
Details of a durable financial power of attorney
Are you in the process of creating an estate plan for the first time? Are you updating your estate plan to better suit your needs? If you find yourself in either position, it's important to learn more about a durable financial power of attorney. With this, you give...
What are the benefits of a health care power of attorney?
Many people create a will or trust to ensure that their assets end up with the right people upon their death. But have you ever considered the fact that there is more to estate planning than what happens once you are gone? For example, a health care power of attorney...