Protecting Your Future And Laying Out Your Wishes
No one wants to contemplate what would happen in the event of a devastating accident or illness. But preserving your end-of-life wishes now can provide you with lasting peace of mind. You can minimize your worries by knowing that your loved ones have the tools to implement your desires.
Helping Clients Obtain Peace Of Mind
At The Law Office of Theresa L. McConville in Camarillo, our team assists clients with careful planning for the future through a variety of effective legal tools. We draw on more than 40 years of combined experience to provide knowledgeable legal guidance. Our firm focuses exclusively on estate planning and probate. As a result, we are extremely familiar with the nuances of this area of law. We will take the time to sit down with you, learn about your situation and help you develop a tailored estate plan.
Preserving Your Health Care Wishes
A comprehensive estate plan should address your end-of-life wishes. It should, at minimum, include the following tools:
- Advance health care directive (living will): This vital legal document will empower you or a loved one to make effective decisions regarding life-prolonging measures. Why give this decision-making power to a doctor or stranger? Instead, you can take control of your future now by utilizing this basic legal tool.
- Physician order for life-sustaining treatment: For those currently facing advanced illness, this document can complement your advance health care directive. It establishes your wishes for current medical treatment.
- HIPAA waiver: Without this crucial form, your loved ones will be unable to access your medical records or communicate with your medical professionals in the event of your incapacity, even if you have granted them a power of attorney. For this reason, it is important to consult with an attorney about including this crucial document in your estate plan.
It is important to speak with a qualified lawyer to address your unique needs and properly fit these tools into your overall estate plan. An attorney can also advise you on how best to implement your wishes regarding anatomical gifts and cremation or burial.
Consult With A California POLST Attorney
For more information about how to preserve your end-of-life wishes in a legally effective manner, contact our firm at 805-910-7905 or fill out the online contact form. If you decide not to proceed after consulting with us about estate planning services, you will not be charged for the initial consultation. If you do elect to proceed, we handle estate planning matters on a reasonable flat-fee basis.