As you create a comprehensive estate plan, you'll begin to feel better about the future. During this process, you'll be faced with many important questions. Here is one that is sure to sit at the top of your list: who is the best person to name as the executor of your...
Year: 2016
Consider the following when choosing a guardian
As you create your estate plan, you need to think long and hard about a future in which you won't be around. For many, this means making sure their family will be safe. If you have children under the age of 18, you need to name a guardian. This way, if you and your...
Facing probate after the death of a loved one
When a loved one, such as a parent, passes on, it can be difficult to pick up the pieces and move forward with your life. Even so, you need to know what's expected of you to ensure that everything is taken care of in the appropriate manner. This means many things,...
What are the responsibilities of a will executor?
When creating an estate plan, there may come a time when you need to choose a will executor. Conversely, you may one day find that you are responsible for taking on this task. Either way, it's imperative to understand the responsibilities of a will executor. This way,...
The complexities of trust administration
A growing number of people are creating a trust, as opposed to a will, as they consider what's best for them from an estate planning perspective. While this is a great idea on many fronts, it's important to note that trust administration laws are extremely complex....
Don’t create a trust until you know the details
While some people strongly believe that a will is the only estate planning document they need, others have come to find that a trust has just as much to offer. With this document, you're able to better manage your property while you are living. Furthermore, and just...
Who is in charge of money left to your children?
As a parent, you naturally want to do everything in your power to ensure that your children are provided for both today and in the future. To that end, you may have taken steps to execute an estate plan that not only appoints guardians, but also identifies your assets...
How pet trusts allow you to leave your best friend in good hands – II
In our last post, we discussed how pet owners who consider their dogs, cats or other creatures to be members of the family naturally want to do everything in their power to ensure that they receive the necessary love and care, especially in the event of their sudden...
How pet trusts allow you to leave your best friend in good hands
If you were to ask a random sampling of pet owners as to whether they consider their dogs, cats or other creatures with which they share their homes to be part of the family, chances are very good the majority of these pet owners would answer a resounding "yes."...
Is a trust right for my situation?
In our last post, we spent some time discussing how those who enable their loved ones to inherit valuable assets upon their passing -- real estate, stocks, etc. -- will ensure that they secure what is known as a step-up in basis, meaning an avenue through which to...